63 Port Stephens Street, Raymond Terrace, NSW 2324
Phone: 02 4987 1111
After-Hours contact phone number is: 02 4987111. Which will be diverted to an answering service. The operator at the answering service will take your phone number and the duty vet will call you back.
This service will be within the professional limits of what can be provided by the rostered after-hours staff at the time of the emergency. While on most occasions we will be able to provide prompt service, there will be times when service may be delayed for a couple of hours due to prior commitments, some of which may be of a personal nature.
Occasionally, we may be obliged to refer the emergency else-where, typically to Newcastle Animal Emergency Centre: 49577106.
"Non-Raymond Terrace Veterinary Clinic registered Clients" will be seen on an "As Available" basis.
Please Note this Emergency Service is for Emergencies only . For all general information and to book normal consultations please phone during normal business hours.
9am to 5.30pm Weekdays
9am to 11am Saturdays
Closed Sunday
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